At Raise, we understand how easy it is to get into debt and we want to help you set an achievable budget so you can sort out your debts and have enough to live on while doing so. We check you are receiving all your benefit entitlements and help you to claim if you are not.
We can help to:
Raise offers a comprehensive package of support to its debt clients such as further support with money management or back-to-work employment support and training
The client has serious mental health concerns and was referred to Raise for assistance in managing debts totaling £12,000, including considerable rent arrears. The client’s mental health issues have led to the referral. Because the client suffered from paranoid psychosis, he frequently avoided going to his registered residence, which meant that he had to remain with his family in order to protect himself from potential danger. The situation was quite challenging. In addition to this, he did not own a phone and had a propensity to withdraw from social support networks. However, it appeared that this was not going to be achievable owing to the client having significant rent arrears, therefore the only answer for the client was to have him relocated out of his property, which was the source of a great deal of grief.
The Money advisor was aware of the challenges that would be presented by attempting to retain direct communication with the client. She maintained continuous communication with both his Mental Health Nurse and his Housing Officer in order to devise an efficient strategy that would provide the client with the greatest possible support. She kept in contact with the client by making arrangements for phone conversations to be made in the company of a support worker. She also provided the client with a clear explanation of who Raise is and what we can do to assist him. She requested all three of the client’s credit reports in order to determine the overall amount of the client’s debt, which was information that we were not already aware of.
The fact that the client’s nurse for mental health was accessible to assist him during our talks made it possible for him to send over his proof of income, documentation establishing his identity, and any letters from his creditors. He prepared a list of the debts, which made it simpler to corroborate his credit reports and to confirm that a Debt Relief Order (DRO) was a viable debt solution. This made it easier to confirm that a Debt Relief Order (DRO) was a suitable debt solution. This would absolve the customer of all of his obligations and provide him with a clean slate. Because of this, he was able to exercise more control over his mental health without having to worry about being pursued for money. She was also able to apply to United Utilities for a grant in the amount of £90.00 to cover the cost of the DRO, which enabled her to continue providing the service at no cost to the customer.
The client’s landlord, who was aware that the client’s residence was harmful to the client’s mental health, gave his agreement for the client to be transferred despite the fact that the client had rent arrears. The social worker was also successful in completing a DRO Referral, which would absolve the client of any and all prior obligations, giving him the opportunity to start over with a fresh slate and the sense of security he so urgently requires.