At Raise we collect and use your personal information to help solve your problems, improve our services and tackle wider issues in society that affect people’s lives.
We only ask for the information we need. We always let you decide what you’re comfortable telling us, explain why we need it and treat it as confidential.
When we record and use your personal information we:
At times we might use or share your information without your permission. If we do, we’ll always make sure there’s a legal basis for it. This could include situations where we have to use or share your information:
We handle and store your personal information in line with the law – including the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018.
When we collect data from you, we will get your permission by asking you to either
If you have been referred to us from another organisation or advice charity, using our online referral system, they will get your permission before sending us your information.
Before we ask for your permission, we’ll always explain how we use your information.
Raise asks you to provide the information relevant to the service you are getting from us. We will always ask you for permission to collect, store and use this data which we need to ensure we can keep in touch and fully understand your situation. For example, we may ask you for
For some projects, we may require more information to enable us to provide the right level of support and to provide the service free of charge to you. You will always be asked for permission and we will explain why we need your information.
When you give us authority to act on your behalf, for example to help you with a Universal Credit claim, we’ll need to share information with that third party.
In acting on behalf of clients, we commonly share information with the following organisations (this list is not exhaustive).
We will get your permission before sharing any information with external organisations. For example:
Whether you get advice face to face, over the phone or by email, our adviser will log all your information, correspondence, and notes about your problem into our secure case management system. This system is called AdvicePro.
Some of your information might also be kept within local secure email and IT systems.
We collect and use the details you give us so we can help you. We have a ‘legitimate interest’ to do this under data protection law. This means it lets us carry out our aims and goals as an organisation. We’ll always explain how we use your information.
We use Microsoft Outlook services for email. Generally, Microsoft products as used by us will mean they are acting as a data processor under our instruction as a data controller. Raise has opted into the Model contract clauses and data processing amendment agreement with Microsoft
When using our WhatsApp contact number our policy is to minimize all data collected and we aim to transfer all personal information to our secure case management systems during the course of your case. Messages sent over the WhatsApp service are encrypted end to end. Facebook will also store your data in accordance with the Terms of Service of your WhatsApp account.
SMS Text Messaging:
We use SMS to send appointment reminders and important updates about your case. Our policy is to minimize all data collected and we aim to transfer all personal information to our secure case management system during the course of your case. Data associated with our text messaging platform is held securely within our own IT systems.
All client, employee and volunteer personal information stored locally in our office IT systems is encrypted to modern standards and stored securely.
All volunteers and staff who access your data have had data protection training to make sure your information is handled sensitively and securely.
If you ask us to act on your behalf we might need to share some of your information with other organisations – we’ll always tell you when we do this. For example if we contact your creditors about your debts, we might need to share your name, address and financial details with them.
If we refer you to another organisation for more advice, we might share information about your problem with them so they can help you more quickly.
If you have any questions about how your information is collected or used, you can contact our office
Telephone: 0151 459 1556
Monday – Thursday 9.30am – 3.30pm and Friday 9.30am -12.30pm
You can contact us to:
Raise is registered with the Information Commissioners Office as a Data Controller and Processer. This means that we abide by their regulations on how we store, process and use your data.
Raise operates a system called AdvicePro to keep your personal information safe. Raise is the joint data controller for your personal information which is stored in this system. We work together to ensure our use of your information complies with data protection law.
You can find out more about your data rights on the Information Commissioner’s website
When you use our website, we collect your information in a number of ways.
We use data called ‘cookies’ to get information about how you’re using our website – for example, what pages you click on and what device you’re using. Find out more how we collect and use cookies when you browse our website.
We’ll collect your name and email address so that we can get back to you.
We’ll get your permission to collect your information when we first talk with you.
The partner organisation will get your permission to collect your information and indicate this by ticking a box within the system. We use your contact details to get in touch with you to progress the referral.
We only access your information for other reasons if we really need to – for example, to investigate complaints.
We don’t share your personal information.
Your information is stored securely on our own internal systems. All volunteers and staff who access your data have had data protection training to make sure your information is handled sensitively and securely.
We keep your data for 6 years and it’s then deleted.
You can contact us at any time and ask us:
Send us a message at
If you’re not happy with how we’ve handled your data, you can make a complaint. Email us at
Raise is part of the Greater Merseyside Money Advice Partnership (GMMAP) who together operate the Debt Advice Project funded by the Money Advice Service. The lead partner of GMMAP is Citizens Advice Knowsley.
When you contact us, we collect personal information about you so we can help you deal with your debts.
We get your information:
We’ll get your permission by asking you to either:
Before we ask for your permission, we’ll always explain how we use your information.
If you’re using our Debt Advice Project and you’ve been referred to us from another organisation or advice charity, they’ll send us your information using a referral form or our online referral system. They’ll get your permission before sending us your information.
We only record and use information that will help us resolve your debt issues.
We’ll also need to collect proof of identity and proof of income.
If you decide to make direct debit payments to your creditors we’ll also ask for information about your bank account – including the bank name, account name, account number and sort code.
If you’ve decided to make repayments to your creditors we’ll collect information about the repayments you make, including any missed payments and the reason for these.
The main reason we need your information is to work out which debt solutions or plans are best for you.
We’ll also access your information regularly in order to review your case – we’ll contact you when we do this to check if your circumstances or details have changed.
We’ll only access your information for other reasons if we really need to – for example:
We might use your contact details to get in touch about your experience of our service or ask you to take part in surveys or research – we’ll only do this if you give us permission.
We use some information to create statistics about who we’re helping and what issues they face. This information is always anonymised – you can’t be identified.
Sometimes we share your personal information with other organisations – we only do this to help you deal with your debts, or to monitor the quality of our services. We’ll get your permission before doing this.
Organisations we share your data with must store and use it in line with data protection law – they can’t pass it on or sell it without your permission.
We’ll share your information with your creditors so we can make offers of repayment or requests for a moratorium.
If you’ve chosen an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) we’ll send your information as a referral to your chosen provider – either Aperture, Payplan or Stepchange Voluntary Arrangements, so that they can process your application.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) might ask us to share a randomised sample of client cases which are being dealt with by Raise local Debt Advice Service. This is to make sure the advice and service you get is lawful and meets the FCA rules and regulations.
We might choose to use your information for research purposes on the basis of ‘legitimate interest’. This means it will help us carry out our aims and goals as an organisation – for example, to create case studies and statistics for our national research. If we use it in this way, your personal details will be anonymised.
If you ask us to act on your behalf we might need to share some of your information with other organisations – we’ll always tell you when we do this. For example if we contact your creditors about your debts, we might need to share your name, address and financial details with them.
If we refer you to another organisation for more advice, we might share information about your problem with them so they can help you more quickly.
With your permission, we’ll share your contact details with our trusted research partner so they can contact you for feedback on your experience with us. We use different research partners depending on how you accessed our services.
For our Money and Pension Service funded Debt Advice Project, the partners are Recognising Excellence, Optimisa and PWC Research
We share that information with the Money and Pension Service , our funder, as part of our regular reporting.
This information includes:
Your information is stored securely on our internal systems, AdvicePro and on the systems of the Greater Merseyside Money Advice Partnership (GMMAP).
All volunteers and staff who access your data have had data protection training to make sure your information is handled sensitively and securely.
Raise keeps your information for 6 years. If your case has been subject to a serious complaint, insurance claim or other dispute we keep the data for 16 years.
Our case management systems are hosted within the European Economic Area (EEA) and wherever possible, the UK.
You can contact us at any time and ask us:
Send us a message at
If you’re not happy with how we’ve handled your data, you can make a complaint to us at or telephone us on 0151 459 1556
This page only applies to people who apply to work or volunteer for us:
When you apply, we collect your personal information through your application form, interview or references so we can process your application.
If you’re offered a role, where applicable, we may ask you to fill out a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) form as part of mandatory background checks. A DBS form does ask for some personal information as part of the background check process. These forms are stored and processed securely and confidentially by Raise and DBS. You can read more about DBS checks and processes on the GOV.UK website.
Other than the DBS, we don’t share your information with external organisations – it’s only shared internally so that we can review your application.
We only ask for information which is relevant to the role you’re applying for.
We’ll collect personal details such as name, address, telephone number and email address, previous job history and experience, qualifications, and any support needs you may have.
We’ll also ask for diversity information like your gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation. You don’t have to tell us this – if you do, it’s always anonymised.
We might collect other information depending on whether you’ve applied for a staff or volunteer role.
If we offer you a position, we’ll ask for:
On rare occasions, where it’s needed for the role, we might contact the DBS for a criminal record check. Once the DBS check is completed and you’ve received your certificate, we’d expect you to share this information with us as part of the the background check process.
This information would include your name, date of birth, place of birth, gender, position applied for and anything else disclosed on your DBS check.
If we offer you a volunteering position, we’ll ask your referees about your previous and current work and experience.
We might contact the DBS for a criminal record check, if relevant. Once the DBS check is completed and you’ve received your certificate, we’d expect you to share this information with us as part of the background check process.
This information would include name, date of birth, place of birth, gender, position applied for and anything else disclosed on your DBS check.
We’ll use the information you give us to decide whether or not you’ve got the right skills for the role.
We’ll use the demographic information to make sure we’re employing a diverse workforce and volunteer community.
Staff who access your information have had information protection training to make sure your information is handled sensitively and securely.
We keep your information securely on our internal systems.
You can contact us at any time and ask us:
For staff roles or volunteer roles email us on
If you’re not happy with how we’ve handled your data, you can make a complaint by emailing us at
If you make a complaint, we collect personal information from you so we can help deal with your complaint.
We collect your information from you via phone, email, online form or letter – depending on how you complain.
If someone contacts us on your behalf about a complaint we’ll get your permission before we log any of your information.
So we can help you with your complaint, we need to know:
You don’t have to tell us, but we’ll also ask you about your:
If you tell us you’ve a disability or support need, we’ll also make a note of that so we can help you access our services.
If your complaint is about advice you received, we might need to look at the information we’ve recorded about your problem.
We use the information you give us to deal with your complaint.
We’ll only access your information for other reasons if we really need to – for example:
All staff accessing data have done data protection training to make sure your information is handled sensitively and securely.
If you escalate your complaint to an external independent adjudicator, we’ll share your complaint information with them.
If your complaint involves an insurance claim, we might share details of your complaint with our insurer.
We’ll store your information securely on our internal systems – sensitive data will be password protected.
We keep your data for 6 years. If your complaint is serious or involves an insurance claim or other dispute we keep the data for 16 years.
You can contact us at any time and ask us:
Send us a message at
If you’re not happy with how we’ve handled your data, you can make a complaint. Email us at
If we’ve contacted you for help with research, campaigns or media work, we’ll have collected information from you by either:
We might have asked a trusted research partner to contact you on our behalf. These companies should have their own privacy policy relating to how they collect, use and share your personal information. To find out which research companies we’re currently working with, contact .
We’ll always tell you how we’ll use your information and ask your permission. For example, by signing a paper consent form, giving agreement over the phone or ticking a box online.
If we want to record an interview with you, we’ll ask.
We only ask for the information we need to tell your story or inform our research. Depending on how we want you to help us, this might include information about:
If you don’t want to give us some personal details, you don’t have to.
When we contact you we’ll explain how we want to use your information – for example, we might want to:
If we’re sharing your story publicly, you can stay anonymous if you want to – we’ll change some details of your story to make sure you can’t be identified.
We might share your information with government or industry regulators as part of our campaigns and policy work.
Organisations we share your data with must store and use it in line with data protection law – they can’t pass it on or sell it without your permission.
We only access your information for other reasons if we really need to – for example, to investigate complaints.
All staff accessing data have done data protection training to make sure your information is handled sensitively and securely.
Copies of your records and any new interview notes are kept securely on our internal systems.
We keep your data for up to 6 years. If your case has been subject to a serious complaint, insurance claim or other dispute we keep the data for 16 years.
You can contact us at any time and ask us:
Send us a message at
If you want to make a complaint
If you’re not happy with how we’ve handled your data, you can make a complaint.
Email us at
When you donate to us we need to collect some of your personal information. We’ll always collect, use and store your data responsibly, and make sure your data is protected.
The personal information we collect depends on what we need to do with it.
We’ll need to collect certain information to process your donation. We might also need to collect other information if you ask us to do something else – for example, if you also want us to add you to one of our mailing lists to keep you updated about our future fundraising activities or our work.
We might need to collect, store and use the following kinds of personal information:
We’ll only use your data for the reason it was collected. For example, for:
The lawful grounds we use to process your personal data are:
We might share your information without your consent if we’re required to by law, for example:
We might also need to share your personal information with suppliers who provide products or services that help us do our work – for example, organisations that help us manage donations.
We make sure the suppliers we work with follow data protection law. We’ll manage the relationship with them and their obligations through a legally binding data processing agreement.
They’ll only use your information to do the work we’ve asked them to and only if that information is relevant to the work they’re doing. They can’t give, sell or rent your personal information to anyone else for any reason.
We’ll store your information for 6 years. If you tell us you don’t want us to contact you, we’ll still need to store your information for financial reasons.
We’ll do all we can to maintain the security, integrity and confidentiality of your data. We’ll make sure your information is handled sensitively and securely.
You can contact us at any time and ask us:
Send us a message at
If you’re not happy with how we’ve handled your data, you can make a complaint. Contact us at
If you’re not happy with how we’ve handled your data, you can make a complaint: email us at .This privacy policy only covers this website and it’s subdomains; other websites linked from this website are not covered by this policy. Once you have accessed another website via one of our links you will be subject to the security and privacy policy of that site.